Nipple Shields Unveiled: What Size Nipple Shield Do I Need?

Are you navigating the wonderful journey of breastfeeding? If so, you might have come across the term “nipple shield.” Now, if you’re wondering, what size nipple shield do I need? – don’t worry, you’re not alone. Choosing the right nipple shield size can make a significant difference in your breastfeeding experience. In this post i will give you guide on how to choose the suitable one for yourself.

To determine the appropriate size of a nipple shield, it’s crucial to consider both your nipple measurements and your baby’s latch. Nipple shields are typically available in various sizes, often categorized as small, medium, and large.

Also, to select the right size, measure your nipple diameter at the base when it’s at its fullest, and then choose a shield with a hole size that is slightly larger. 

It’s recommended to consult a lactation consultant or a healthcare professional before making a final decision, as they can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation. Ensuring a proper fit will help optimize your baby’s breastfeeding experience while minimizing any potential issues.

How to choose correct nipple shield size

What Size Nipple Shield Do I Need

Nipple shields are valuable tools for breastfeeding mothers facing various challenges such as sore or cracked nipples, latch issues, or inverted nipples. Selecting the right nipple shield size is crucial to ensure comfort for both the mother and the baby during breastfeeding. This guide will walk you through the steps to choose the correct nipple shield size for your needs.

  1. Consult a Lactation Consultant or Healthcare Professional: Before selecting a nipple shield size, consider seeking guidance from a lactation consultant or healthcare professional. They can assess your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations.
  2. Measure Your Nipple Diameter: To accurately determine the appropriate nipple shield size, measure the diameter of your nipple at the base. You can use a ruler, calipers, or a specialized nipple ruler. It’s important to measure the nipple’s diameter when it’s at its largest (after breastfeeding or pumping).
  3. Compare Measurements: Match your nipple diameter measurement to the available nipple shield size options. Nipple shields come in various sizes, usually ranging from small to large. Choose a size that closely matches your measurement for the best fit.
  4. Consider Your Baby’s Mouth Size: Keep in mind that the nipple shield should fit comfortably in your baby’s mouth. It shouldn’t be too large, causing gagging, or too small, inhibiting proper latch and feeding.
  5. Check for Proper Fit: After choosing a nipple shield size, test its fit by placing it on your nipple. The shield should sit comfortably around the base of your nipple without causing discomfort or rubbing. Your nipple should be centered in the shield’s opening.
  6. Observe Baby’s Latch: Once you’ve selected a nipple shield size, observe how your baby latches onto the shield. Your baby’s lips should flange outward, covering a portion of the areola, and the nipple should be positioned toward the back of their mouth for effective feeding.
  7. Monitor Feeding Comfort: While using the nipple shield, pay attention to your comfort level and your baby’s feeding behavior. A proper fit should result in improved latch and feeding without causing additional pain or discomfort.
  8. Seek Further Assistance if Needed: If you experience any issues or discomfort while using the nipple shield, don’t hesitate to reach out to a lactation consultant, healthcare provider, or breastfeeding support group for additional guidance.

Factors affecting nipple shield size

Selecting the appropriate nipple shield size is crucial for ensuring comfortable and effective breastfeeding. Various factors can influence the right size for you and your baby. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed choice when choosing a nipple shield size.

  1. Nipple Diameter: The diameter of your nipple plays a significant role in determining the correct nipple shield size. Measure your nipple’s diameter at the base, ensuring accuracy by measuring at its largest point, typically after breastfeeding or pumping.
  2. Areola Size: The size of your areola can affect how the nipple shield sits on your breast. If you have a larger areola, you might need a larger shield size to ensure proper coverage and a secure fit.
  3. Baby’s Mouth Size: Consider your baby’s mouth size when choosing a nipple shield. The shield should comfortably fit in their mouth, allowing them to latch onto your breast effectively without discomfort.
  4. Latch and Feeding Behavior: Your baby’s latch and feeding behavior influence the choice of nipple shield size. If your baby has difficulty latching or maintaining a proper latch, a correctly sized nipple shield can aid in achieving a better latch and smoother feeding experience.
  5. Nipple Shape and Position: If you have inverted or flat nipples, the nipple shield size might need to accommodate your specific nipple shape. A properly sized shield can help draw out the nipple and make feeding easier.
  6. Comfort and Sensation: The comfort and sensation you experience when using a nipple shield are essential. If the shield is too tight or too loose, it can cause discomfort or hinder proper milk transfer. Choosing the right size ensures a comfortable feeding experience.
  7. Consultation with Lactation Professionals: Seeking guidance from lactation consultants, breastfeeding specialists, or healthcare providers is invaluable. They can assess your individual situation, consider all relevant factors, and recommend the appropriate nipple shield size.
  8. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as nipple trauma, mastitis, or engorgement, can impact nipple size and shape. In such cases, professional advice can help you choose the right nipple shield size to address these challenges.
  9. Baby’s Age and Growth Stage: Babies’ mouths grow as they age, which can affect how they latch onto the nipple shield. Monitor your baby’s growth and adjust the nipple shield size if needed to accommodate their changing needs.
  10. Trial and Error: Sometimes, finding the right nipple shield size may require a bit of trial and error. Be open to trying different sizes and observing your baby’s comfort and feeding behavior to determine the best fit.

Standard sizing guide for shields

What Size Nipple Shield Do I Need

Nipple shields come in various sizes to accommodate the diverse needs of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. This standard sizing guide provides essential information to help you select the appropriate nipple shield size for optimal comfort and effectiveness.

  1. Sizing Range: Nipple shields are typically available in sizes ranging from small to large. These sizes are often labeled with numbers or letters corresponding to the shield’s diameter. The exact sizing labels might vary by brand or manufacturer.
  2. Measuring Nipple Diameter: Measure the diameter of your nipple at its base, which is the widest part. Use a ruler, calipers, or a specialized nipple ruler for accuracy. Measure when your nipple is at its largest, usually after breastfeeding or pumping.
  3. Choosing the Right Size: Compare your measured nipple diameter to the sizing options provided by the manufacturer. Select a nipple shield size that closely matches your measurement. A good fit ensures comfort and effective milk transfer.
  4. Areola Consideration: Take into account the size of your areola as well. If you have a larger areola, you might find a slightly larger shield size more comfortable and effective.
  5. Baby’s Mouth Size: The chosen nipple shield size should fit comfortably in your baby’s mouth. It shouldn’t be too large, which could lead to gagging, or too small, hindering a proper latch.
  6. Professional Guidance: Consulting with a lactation consultant, breastfeeding specialist, or healthcare provider can provide valuable insights into choosing the right size. They can factor in various considerations, such as nipple shape, baby’s feeding behavior, and any breastfeeding challenges you’re facing.
  7. Trial and Observation: Initially, start with the size that matches your measurement, but be prepared for some trial and observation. Monitor your baby’s comfort, latch, and feeding behavior. If you notice any issues, consider trying a different size.
  8. Adjustments Over Time: Keep in mind that as your baby grows and your breastfeeding journey progresses, the nipple shield size might need adjustment. Babies’ mouths change as they develop, which can impact their latch and comfort.
  9. Manufacturers’ Guidelines: Each manufacturer might have specific guidelines for selecting nipple shield sizes. Check the packaging or accompanying instructions for any recommendations they provide.
  10. Personal Comfort and Feedback: Ultimately, the right size should feel comfortable for you and your baby. You should not experience pain or discomfort while using the nipple shield. If something doesn’t feel right, consider trying a different size or seeking professional guidance.

How to measure for shield size

Measuring for the right nipple shield size is a crucial step in ensuring comfortable and effective breastfeeding. This guide provides a clear step-by-step process to accurately measure for the appropriate nipple shield size.

Gather Necessary Tools:

  • Ruler, calipers, or specialized nipple ruler
  • Pen and paper for recording measurements

Choose the Right Time: Measure your nipple diameter when it’s at its largest, typically after breastfeeding or pumping. This ensures an accurate measurement that accommodates any changes in nipple size during feeding.

Wash Hands and Nipples: Before measuring, ensure your hands and nipples are clean to maintain hygiene during the process.

Position Yourself Comfortably: Find a comfortable and well-lit space where you can easily access your breast for measurement.

Measure Nipple Diameter: Follow these steps to measure your nipple diameter accurately: a. Gently compress your areola to make your nipple stand out. b. Place the ruler or calipers horizontally across the base of your nipple, at its widest point. c. Take note of the measurement in millimeters.

Repeat for Both Nipples: Measure both nipples separately, as they might differ in size. This ensures you choose the correct size for each nipple if needed.

Selecting the Nipple Shield Size: Compare your nipple diameter measurements to the available nipple shield size options provided by the manufacturer. Choose a size that closely matches your measurement for the best fit.

Consider Areola Size and Comfort: If you have a larger areola, you might find a slightly larger shield size more comfortable. Prioritize a size that allows for comfortable breastfeeding without causing discomfort or irritation.

Professional Advice: If you’re uncertain about choosing the right size, consult a lactation consultant, breastfeeding specialist, or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific situation.

Trial and Observation: Begin with the size that matches your measurements. As you use the nipple shield, observe your baby’s latch, feeding behavior, and your comfort level. If you notice any issues, be open to trying a different size.

Monitor Growth and Progress: Keep in mind that your baby’s mouth size and your nipple’s shape might change over time. Regularly assess whether the chosen nipple shield size remains suitable or if adjustments are needed.

Available nipple shield sizes

Nipple shields come in a range of sizes to cater to the diverse needs of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. This comprehensive overview provides information about the typical range of available nipple shield sizes and offers insights into how to choose the right size for a comfortable and effective breastfeeding experience.

Available Nipple Shield Sizes:

Small (S):

  • Diameter: Generally around 20-21 mm
  • Suitable for smaller nipples or babies with smaller mouths
  • Ideal for premature or newborn infants

Medium (M):

  • Diameter: Typically around 24-25 mm
  • A common size that suits many breastfeeding mothers
  • Fits an average range of nipple sizes and is suitable for most babies

Large (L):

  • Diameter: Usually around 28-30 mm
  • Recommended for larger nipples or babies with bigger mouths
  • Beneficial for mothers who experience engorgement or have inverted nipples

Extra-Large (XL):

  • Diameter: Varies by brand, generally above 30 mm
  • Designed for mothers with larger nipples or specific breastfeeding challenges
  • Useful for addressing unique situations where standard sizes might not suffice

Choosing the Right Size:

  1. Measure Your Nipple Diameter: Measure your nipple’s diameter at the base using a ruler, calipers, or a specialized nipple ruler. Measure when your nipple is at its largest, usually after breastfeeding or pumping.
  2. Compare to Available Sizes: Once you have your nipple diameter measurement, compare it to the available nipple shield sizes. Choose a size that closely matches your measurement.
  3. Consider Additional Factors: Keep in mind your baby’s mouth size, your comfort level, and any breastfeeding challenges you might be facing. A larger areola might also influence your choice.
  4. Professional Guidance: If you’re uncertain about which size to choose, consult a lactation consultant or healthcare provider. They can provide tailored recommendations based on your individual situation.
  5. Trial and Adjustment: Begin with the size that matches your measurement, and monitor how your baby latches, feeds, and your comfort level. Be open to adjusting the size if necessary.
  6. Adapt to Changes: As your baby grows and your breastfeeding journey progresses, your nipple shield size might need adjustment. Regularly assess whether the chosen size remains suitable or if you need to switch to a different size.

Baby’s mouth size consideration

The size of your baby’s mouth plays a crucial role in determining the comfort and effectiveness of using a nipple shield during breastfeeding. This information provides insights into why baby’s mouth size matters and how to ensure a proper fit for a successful breastfeeding experience.

  1. Latch and Effective Feeding: The latch is a key aspect of successful breastfeeding. A proper latch ensures effective milk transfer, prevents nipple pain, and promotes your baby’s growth. The size of your baby’s mouth affects their ability to latch onto your breast and nipple shield correctly.
  2. Small Mouths: Newborns and premature babies often have smaller mouths. If your baby’s mouth is smaller, a nipple shield with a smaller nipple opening might be more appropriate. It can help your baby latch onto your breast comfortably and establish effective feeding.
  3. Large Mouths: As babies grow, their mouths also expand. If your baby has a larger mouth, using a nipple shield with a larger nipple opening can provide them with the space they need to latch properly and access an adequate milk flow.
  4. Gag Reflex and Comfort: Babies with smaller mouths might be more prone to gagging if the nipple shield is too large. Similarly, a nipple shield that is too small might not accommodate babies with larger mouths comfortably. The right size prevents discomfort and gagging.
  5. Proper Positioning: A nipple shield that suits your baby’s mouth size helps ensure that their lips are properly flanged outward during feeding. This positions their tongue correctly to create a secure latch and extract milk efficiently.
  6. Observation and Adjustment: When using a nipple shield, observe how your baby latches and feeds. If you notice any difficulties, discomfort, or ineffective latch, it could be an indication that the nipple shield size needs adjustment to better match your baby’s mouth size.
  7. Adapting Over Time: Babies’ mouths grow rapidly during their early months. Regularly assess whether the current nipple shield size continues to accommodate your baby’s mouth comfortably. Adjustments may be needed as your baby’s mouth size changes.
  8. Seeking Professional Guidance: If you’re unsure about the appropriate nipple shield size for your baby’s mouth, consult a lactation consultant or healthcare provider. They can evaluate your baby’s mouth size, observe their latch, and provide tailored recommendations.

Premature baby shield sizes

Breastfeeding premature babies can present unique challenges due to their smaller size and specific needs. Nipple shields designed for premature babies offer a solution to help overcome these challenges. This information provides insights into choosing the right nipple shield size for premature infants, ensuring a comfortable and successful breastfeeding experience.

  1. Smaller Nipple Openings: Nipple shields designed for premature babies typically have smaller nipple openings to accommodate their smaller mouths. This ensures a proper latch and comfortable feeding.
  2. Preemie-Specific Sizes: Many manufacturers offer nipple shield sizes specifically labeled as “preemie” or “small” to cater to the needs of premature babies. These sizes often have diameters ranging from 16mm to 20mm.
  3. Consider Baby’s Gestational Age: When choosing a nipple shield size for a premature baby, consider their gestational age rather than their actual birth date. A baby born at 32 weeks may have different needs than one born at 28 weeks.
  4. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before using a nipple shield for a premature baby, consult your healthcare provider, neonatologist, or a lactation consultant. They can assess your baby’s needs and guide you in selecting the appropriate size.
  5. Trial and Observation: As with any nipple shield use, monitor how your premature baby latches and feeds with the shield. If you notice difficulties or discomfort, consider adjusting the size or seeking professional advice.
  6. Comfort and Feeding Efficiency: The right nipple shield size should provide comfort to your premature baby while enabling efficient milk transfer. If the size is too large, it might cause gagging or hinder proper latch. If it’s too small, it could lead to feeding challenges.
  7. Gradual Transition: Premature babies might need time to adapt to breastfeeding and using a nipple shield. Be patient and allow for a gradual transition as your baby gets accustomed to the new feeding method.
  8. Support from Specialists: Lactation consultants experienced in working with premature babies can provide valuable guidance. They can help you navigate the challenges associated with breastfeeding a premature baby and ensure that you’re using the correct nipple shield size.

Handling small shield size

What Size Nipple Shield Do I Need

Using a small nipple shield size can be necessary for various reasons, such as having a premature baby or smaller nipples. While it might present some challenges, proper handling and techniques can ensure a positive breastfeeding experience. This information offers practical tips for effectively managing a small nipple shield size.

  1. Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before using a small nipple shield, consult with a lactation consultant, healthcare provider, or breastfeeding specialist. They can guide you on proper usage and address any concerns you might have.
  2. Proper Positioning: Positioning the small nipple shield correctly is crucial. Ensure that the nipple shield covers your nipple and a portion of the areola, allowing your baby to latch onto both comfortably.
  3. Latch Technique: Help your baby achieve a proper latch by gently guiding their mouth onto the nipple shield. Ensure their lips are flanged outward and their tongue is positioned correctly to extract milk effectively.
  4. Patience and Persistence: Babies might take time to adjust to a nipple shield, especially if it’s a small size. Be patient and persistent, offering your baby opportunities to practice and get used to the new feeding method.
  5. Frequent Feeding: Premature babies or newborns with a smaller nipple shield might need more frequent feedings. Smaller feeds at shorter intervals can provide the necessary nutrients while accommodating their feeding capacity.
  6. Supportive Environment: Create a calm and supportive environment for breastfeeding. Minimize distractions and ensure both you and your baby are comfortable before initiating a feeding session.
  7. Supplemental Feeding Techniques: If your baby struggles with milk transfer using a small nipple shield, consider supplemental feeding techniques, such as pumping breast milk and offering it in a controlled manner.
  8. Monitor Weight Gain: Regularly monitor your baby’s weight gain and overall well-being. If you notice any concerns, consult your healthcare provider to ensure that your baby is getting enough nourishment.
  9. Expert Guidance: Seek guidance from professionals experienced in working with nipple shields, especially small sizes. They can provide personalized tips and recommendations based on your situation.
  10. Transition Planning: If you’re using a small nipple shield due to specific circumstances, work with your healthcare provider to plan a transition to regular breastfeeding as your baby grows and their feeding abilities improve.

Varying shield sizes by brand

Nipple shields are available in varying sizes across different brands, reflecting the diverse needs of breastfeeding mothers and their babies. This information provides insights into why nipple shield sizes can differ by brand and offers guidance on how to navigate these variations effectively.

  1. Catering to Different Needs: Different brands design nipple shields with unique features to address specific breastfeeding challenges. As a result, they offer a range of sizes to accommodate diverse nipple shapes, baby mouth sizes, and other considerations.
  2. Numbering or Labeling Systems: Brands might use numbering (e.g., small, medium, large) or lettering (e.g., S, M, L) to categorize their nipple shield sizes. The specific size associated with each label can vary from one brand to another.
  3. Measurement Units: Nipple shield sizes might be measured in millimeters, which can sometimes vary slightly between brands. This emphasizes the importance of accurately measuring your nipple diameter and consulting the brand’s guidelines.
  4. Trial and Error: Due to variations in sizing among brands, it’s important to approach nipple shield selection with an open mind. Trial and error might be necessary to find the brand and size that best suits your needs.
  5. Consult Manufacturer Guidelines: Each brand provides guidelines on how to select the right nipple shield size. Check the packaging, product descriptions, or manufacturer’s website for sizing recommendations and tips.
  6. Professional Advice: If you’re uncertain about choosing a nipple shield size from a specific brand, consult a lactation consultant or healthcare provider. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual situation.
  7. Consider Nipple Shape and Baby’s Mouth Size: When navigating varying shield sizes by brand, consider your nipple shape, areola size, and your baby’s mouth size. These factors will influence your choice of brand and size.
  8. Adapting as Needed: Keep in mind that your baby’s needs and your own comfort might change over time. Be open to adjusting the nipple shield size as your breastfeeding journey progresses.
  9. Online Communities and Reviews: Online parenting communities and reviews can offer insights from other breastfeeding mothers who have used specific brands and sizes. Their experiences can help guide your decision-making.
  10. Persistence and Flexibility: The journey of finding the right nipple shield size might involve trying different brands and sizes. Stay persistent and flexible in your approach, as your baby’s comfort and successful breastfeeding are the ultimate goals.



Navigating the world of nipple shield sizes might feel like a puzzle, but fear not. The key to unlocking comfort and success lies in understanding your needs. What size nipple shield do I need? is a common question, and the answer lies in a mix of factors. Measure your nipple diameter, ponder your baby’s mouth size, and consider your own comfort. The beauty is, there’s a range of sizes out there, tailored for various situations. 

Don’t hesitate to seek advice from pros, experiment a bit, and remain adaptable on this wonderful breastfeeding journey. Patience and perseverance will guide you to finding that perfect fit.