How much is turf per square foot?

Are you tired of maintaining a high-maintenance lawn? Are you ready to upgrade to a low-maintenance, beautiful turf lawn? If so, you’re probably wondering how much is turf per square foot. We have got you covered on this page.

You can expect to pay between $0.50 and $2.00 per square foot for turf, with the average price being around $1.00 per square foot. This price does not include the cost of installation, which can range from $0.50 to $2.00 per square foot, depending on the complexity of the installation and the local labor market.

It’s important to shop around and get quotes from multiple suppliers to find the best price for your project. It may also be worth considering purchasing your turf in bulk, as this can often result in a lower overall cost.

How much does artificial turf cost per square foot?

how much is turf per square foot

The cost of artificial turf per square foot can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, such as the type of turf, the quality of the materials used, the installation process, and the location of the project. On average, the cost of artificial turf per square foot can range from $5 to $20. However, some high-end options may cost upwards of $30 per square foot.

One of the main factors that affect the cost of artificial turf per square foot is the type of turf. There are several different types of artificial turf available on the market, including nylon, polyethylene, and polypropylene.

Nylon turf is typically the most expensive option, as it is made from a durable synthetic fiber that is resistant to fading and wear. Polyethylene and polypropylene turf are also popular options, but they are generally less expensive than nylon turf.

The quality of the materials used in the production of artificial turf can also impact the cost per square foot. Higher-quality materials tend to be more durable and realistic-looking, but they also come with a higher price tag. For example, turf made from premium fibers like FieldTurf or Desso can cost more per square foot than turf made from cheaper materials.

The installation process can also affect the cost of artificial turf per square foot. If the installation process is complex or requires specialized equipment, it may increase the overall cost of the project. For example, if the installation involves removing an existing lawn or preparing the ground for turf installation, it may add to the overall cost per square foot.

Finally, the location of the project can also impact the cost of artificial turf per square foot. Some areas may have higher labor costs or more expensive materials, which can increase the overall cost of the project. It is important to consider these factors when budgeting for the cost of artificial turf per square foot.

How much does real grass turf cost per square foot?

The cost of real grass turf per square foot can vary significantly depending on a number of factors, such as the type of grass, the quality of the soil, the location of the project, and the installation process. On average, the cost of real grass turf per square foot can range from $1 to $5. However, some high-end options may cost upwards of $10 per square foot.

One of the main factors that affect the cost of real grass turf per square foot is the type of grass. There are several different types of grass available on the market, including fescue, Bermuda, and zoysia.

Fescue grass is typically the most expensive option, as it is a cool-season grass that requires regular maintenance and is prone to disease. Bermuda and zoysia grass are also popular options, but they are generally less expensive than fescue grass.

The quality of the soil can also impact the cost of real grass turf per square foot. Poor-quality soil may require additional preparation or soil amendments, which can increase the overall cost of the project. It is important to assess the quality of the soil before installing real grass turf to ensure the best possible results.

The location of the project can also affect the cost of real grass turf per square foot. Some areas may have higher labor costs or more expensive materials, which can increase the overall cost of the project. It is important to consider these factors when budgeting for the cost of real grass turf per square foot.

Finally, the installation process can also impact the cost of real grass turf per square foot. If the installation process is complex or requires specialized equipment, it may increase the overall cost of the project. For example, if the installation involves removing an existing lawn or preparing the ground for turf installation, it may add to the overall cost per square foot.

How to calculate the cost of turf per square foot?

Calculating the cost of turf per square foot can be a useful tool for budgeting and planning a landscaping project. Here are some steps to help you calculate the cost of turf per square foot:

Determine the size of the area you want to cover with turf. Measure the width and length of the area in feet and then multiply these numbers together to find the total square footage.

Determine the cost of the turf. Look at the price of the turf per roll or per pallet and divide this number by the number of square feet in the roll or pallet. This will give you the cost of turf per square foot.

Calculate the total cost of the turf. Multiply the cost of turf per square foot by the total square footage of the area you want to cover to find the total cost of the turf.

Consider any additional costs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of delivery, installation, and any additional materials or supplies that may be needed.

Compare prices from multiple sources. Don’t be afraid to shop around and compare prices from different suppliers or retailers to find the best deal on turf.

What is the average price of turf per square foot?

The average price of turf per square foot can vary depending on the type of turf, the quality of the materials, the location of the project, and the installation process. On average, the price of artificial turf per square foot can range from $5 to $20, while the price of real grass turf per square foot can range from $1 to $5.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these are just rough estimates, and the actual price may be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances of your project.

What factors affect the price of turf per square foot?

There are several factors that can affect the price of turf per square foot, including the type of turf, the quality of the materials, the location of the project, and the installation process.

The type of turf is a major factor in determining the price per square foot. Artificial turf tends to be more expensive than real grass turf, but the price can vary depending on the type of artificial turf and the quality of the materials used. Real grass turf can also vary in price depending on the type of grass and the quality of the soil.

The quality of the materials used in the production of the turf can also impact the price per square foot. Higher-quality materials tend to be more durable and realistic-looking, but they also come with a higher price tag.

The location of the project can also affect the price of turf per square foot. Some areas may have higher labor costs or more expensive materials, which can increase the overall cost of the project.

Finally, the installation process can also impact the price of turf per square foot. If the installation process is complex or requires specialized equipment, it may increase the overall cost of the project.

Can I get a discount on turf per square foot?

how much is turf per square foot

It is possible to get a discount on turf per square foot, but it will depend on a number of factors such as the supplier, the quantity of turf being purchased, and the timing of the purchase. Here are some ways you might be able to get a discount on turf per square foot:

Buy in bulk. Many suppliers offer discounts for large orders of turf, so if you are planning a large landscaping project, it may be worth considering purchasing more turf than you initially need.

Negotiate with the supplier. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with the supplier for a better price. If you are buying a large quantity of turf or if you have a good relationship with the supplier, you may be able to negotiate a lower price per square foot.

Shop around. Compare prices from multiple suppliers to find the best deal on turf per square foot. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, so be sure to consider the quality of the turf as well.

Look for sales or discounts. Many suppliers offer sales or discounts throughout the year, so it may be worth waiting for a promotion to purchase your turf.

Consider using turf. If you are on a tight budget, you may be able to find used turf for a lower price per square foot. Just be sure to carefully inspect the turf for any damage or wear before purchasing.

How much does it cost to install turf per square foot?

The cost of installing turf per square foot can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the installation process and the location of the project. On average, the cost of installing turf per square foot can range from $1 to $10. However, some high-end installations may cost upwards of $15 per square foot.

The complexity of the installation process can significantly impact the cost of installing turf per square foot. If the installation involves removing an existing lawn, preparing the ground for turf installation, or installing drainage systems, it may add to the overall cost per square foot.

The location of the project can also affect the cost of installing turf per square foot. Some areas may have higher labor costs or more expensive materials, which can increase the overall cost of the project. It is important to consider these factors when budgeting for the cost of installing turf per square foot.

What is the price range for turf per square foot?

The price range for turf per square foot can vary significantly depending on the type of turf, the quality of the materials, the location of the project, and the installation process.

On average, the price range for artificial turf per square foot can be from $5 to $20, while the price range for real grass turf per square foot can be from $1 to $5.

However, it is important to keep in mind that these are just rough estimates, and the actual price may be higher or lower depending on the specific circumstances of your project.

How to compare the prices of different types of turf per square foot?

Comparing the prices of different types of turf per square foot can be a useful tool for budgeting and planning a landscaping project. Here are some steps to help you compare the prices of different types of turf per square foot:

Determine the size of the area you want to cover with turf. Measure the width and length of the area in feet and then multiply these numbers together to find the total square footage.

Research the different types of turf available. Look at the price of each type of turf per roll or per pallet and divide this number by the number of square feet in the roll or pallet to find the cost of turf per square foot.

Calculate the total cost of each type of turf. Multiply the cost of turf per square foot by the total square footage of the area you want to cover to find the total cost of each type of turf.

Consider any additional costs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of delivery, installation, and any additional materials or supplies that may be needed.

Compare the prices. Look at the total cost of each type of turf and compare them to see which option is the most cost-effective. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, so be sure to consider the quality of the turf as well.

Can I get a price estimate for turf per square foot before installation?

Yes, it is possible to get a price estimate for turf per square foot before installation. Many suppliers and retailers offer price estimates or quotes for turf per square foot before installation. These estimates can help you budget for the cost of your project and ensure that you are getting the best deal on turf.

To get a price estimate for turf per square foot before installation, you will need to provide the supplier or retailer with the following information:

The size of the area you want to cover with turf. Measure the width and length of the area in feet and then multiply these numbers together to find the total square footage.

The type of turf you are interested in. Be specific about the type of turf you want, including the type of grass (if real grass) and the quality of the materials.

The location of the project. The supplier or retailer may need to know the location of the project to determine the cost of delivery and installation.

Any additional services or materials you need. If you need additional services or materials, such as ground preparation or drainage systems, be sure to let the supplier or retailer know.

How to budget for the cost of turf per square foot?

Budgeting for the cost of turf per square foot can be a useful tool for planning a landscaping project. Here are some steps to help you budget for the cost of turf per square foot:

Determine the size of the area you want to cover with turf. Measure the width and length of the area in feet and then multiply these numbers together to find the total square footage.

Research the different types of turf available. Look at the price of each type of turf per roll or per pallet and divide this number by the number of square feet in the roll or pallet to find the cost of turf per square foot.

Calculate the total cost of the turf. Multiply the cost of turf per square foot by the total square footage of the area you want to cover to find the total cost of the turf.

Consider any additional costs. Don’t forget to factor in the cost of delivery, installation, and any additional materials or supplies that may be needed.

Set a budget. Determine how much you can afford to spend on the project and make sure that the total cost of the turf fits within your budget.

Is it cheaper to buy turf per square foot or in bulk?

It is generally cheaper to buy turf in bulk rather than per square foot. Many suppliers offer discounts for large orders of turf, so if you are planning a large landscaping project, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a larger quantity of turf.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best. Be sure to consider the quality of the turf as well as the price when making your purchasing decision.

How to negotiate a lower price for turf per square foot?

how much is turf per square foot

If you are looking to negotiate a lower price for turf per square foot, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Research the market. Look at the prices of turf from multiple suppliers to get a sense of the going rate. This will help you determine a fair price for the turf.

Be prepared to negotiate. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with the supplier for a better price.

Have a specific price in mind. Have a specific price that you are willing to pay for the turf per square foot. This will help you stay focused during the negotiation process.

Consider purchasing in bulk. Many suppliers offer discounts for large orders of turf, so if you are planning a large landscaping project, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a larger quantity of turf.

Be flexible. Be open to compromise on certain aspects of the project, such as the type of turf or the delivery schedule, in order to get a lower price.

Are there any financing options for the cost of turf per square foot?

There may be financing options available for the cost of turf per square foot, depending on the supplier or retailer you are working with. Some suppliers or retailers may offer financing options such as payment plans or financing through a third-party lender.

It is important to carefully consider the terms and conditions of any financing options before agreeing to them. Make sure you understand the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms before committing to a financing option.

How to find the best deal on turf per square foot?

Finding the best deal on turf per square foot can be a useful tool for budgeting and planning a landscaping project. Here are some steps to help you find the best deal on turf per square foot:

Research the market. Look at the prices of turf from multiple suppliers to get a sense of the going rate. This will help you determine a fair price for the turf.

Shop around. Compare prices from multiple suppliers to find the best deal on turf per square foot. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best, so be sure to consider the quality of the turf as well.

Consider purchasing in bulk. Many suppliers offer discounts for large orders of turf, so if you are planning a large landscaping project, it may be more cost-effective to purchase a larger quantity of turf.

Negotiate with the supplier. Don’t be afraid to negotiate with the supplier for a better price. If you are buying a large quantity of turf or if you have a good relationship with the supplier, you may be able to negotiate a lower price per square foot.

Look for sales or discounts. Many suppliers offer sales or discounts throughout the year, so it may be worth waiting for a promotion to purchase your turf.


After researching various sources, it appears that the cost of turf per square foot can range significantly. Some sources quote prices as low as $0.50 per square foot, while others list prices as high as $3.00 or more. The final cost will depend on a variety of factors, including the type of turf being used, the location of the project, and any additional services or installation costs.

In general, it seems that turf costs can range from $0.50 to $3.00 or more per square foot, with most prices falling somewhere in the middle of this range. It is important to carefully research and knows how much is turf per square foot in order to find the best deal for your specific project.